How to Keep Your Dogs Safe from the Summer Heat?

Aug 7, 2024
how to keep your dogs safe from the summer heat

The beginning of the warm summer became associated with happiness and the ability to spend time in nature, but along with that, such an increase in temperature endangers the lives of our friendly four-legged pets. Dogs are more susceptible to heat diseases thus one needs to take some precautions to avoid affecting their pets. This article will cover all the requirements for the signs of overheating and tips on how to protect your dogs during the hot summer.

The Signs of Overheating/Heat Stroke in Dogs

It is also important to be able to identify the symptoms that the dog is getting too warm or has developed heat stroke. Dogs mainly control their body temperatures through this process of panting and when perfused becomes a congested way of cooling them, the dog is easily overheated.

Excessive Panting: If your dog is a bit overweight especially if it is dark-skinned, the panting will be heavy and consistent which is normal when the animal is trying to cool down.

Dehydration: Some indications that can show that your dog is dehydrated include dry nose, pale gums, and the dog excessively drools.

Lethargy: The symptoms that indicate that your dog might be overheating are common signs of fatigue, muscle weakness, and refusal to move.

Rapid Heartbeat: Another symptom particular to heat stress is an increase in pulse rate.

Vomiting and Diarrhea: This is due to the effects that heat has on the body's internal organs with gastrointestinal distress being a common sign for those being overwhelmed by heat.

Collapse or Unconsciousness: In extreme cases the dog can become completely prostrate, exhibiting signs of unconsciousness and this is an absolute emergency.

Ways to Keep Your Dogs Safe from the Summer Heat

The following actions are efficient in protecting a dog during summer: Whether it is water, a haircut for your pet, food, or brushing their body, these are ways that can assist in cooling the pet while making them healthy.


The best thing that one can do as a dog owner to avoid heat illness in his/her dogs is to ensure the dog drinks plenty of water. Water should be clean and stored in a fresh container and particularly in warm seasons it should be easily accessible.

Automatic Dog Drinking Fountain: Thus, buying an automatic dog drinking fountain will help your pet have fresh water at any given time and compel him/her to drink more.

Multiple Water Stations: Provide many places in your house and compound for the water dishes so that the dog can always find water to drink.


Bathing your dog regularly is beneficial to your pet in that it allows him or her to cool down as it also minimizes the probability of your pet overheating. Such grooming procedures can trim off an extra quantity of hair present on the skin and make it easy for air to circulate freely.

Dog Grooming Tools: The type of grooming method to use on your pet is through proper use of equipment that includes the brush or comb. If your dog is from a breed with thick fur, then it would be a good idea to take them to the groomer for a haircut.

Bathing: Your dog should be bathed from time to time for better hygiene and to cool him/her down. Hypoallergenic shampoo should be washed with warm water and the dog should be dried very well to avoid affecting the skin.

dog grooming vacuum tools

Shade and Shelter

It is very important to use more shades and sheds for safety reasons when outside. Dogs should always have a place where they can have shade when they are outside the house.

Shaded Areas: This can be done easily with the help of umbrellas, tarpaulin, or some trees planted in your compound. Make sure the shade can move with the sun to give shade all the time.

Indoor Access: You should let your dog into the house when it is hottest outside. They help especially on extremely hot days when a cool room with a comfortable temperature is a blessing.

Exercise Timing

Playing is essential in a dog's life just like humans, but it is crucial to be keen on the time during the hot sunny day.

Early Morning or Late Evening: Use the mornings or evenings for walks and play since this is when the temperatures are not as high.

Avoid Hot Surfaces: Tarmac and asphalt can get extremely hot and can cause blisters on the feet of the dog. Avoid areas like sand, concrete, tiled, carpet, etc, or get a groomer to put on socks on the dog's feet.

Cooling Products

The following products are some of the most commonly used to assist in the regulation of your dog's body heat in the summer.

Cooling Mats: These mats are made with the intention of not becoming hot under the sun and offer your pet a comfortable place to lay on.

Cooling Vests: Comfortable to wear and light in weight, cooling vests can assist in lowering the body temperature of the dog especially when on outside exercises.

Diet and Nutrition

The feeding habits of the dog also come in handy in ensuring that your dog is cool and healthy at all times.

Moisture-Rich Foods: Ensure your dog consumes some of its fluid in the form of foods, the best-wet dog food, or the fruits and vegetables that are safe for consumption by dogs.

Avoid Overfeeding: Feeding their dogs excessive amounts of food causes obesity and this makes it difficult for these dogs to regulate their body temperature. It is equally important to be careful about the type of diet a dog is fed in a bid to avoid it being oversized.

Car Safety

Never should a dog be left alone in a car, let alone in a parked car even for just a few minutes. Heating and cooling in a car can encourage the development of dangerous heat, claiming lives. However, if transportation is inevitable, then the car should also be well-aired and ideally with air conditioning. Take regular breaks including water and bowel breaks for the dog and give the dog time to stretch.

First Aid for Overheating

It is important to know how to handle overheated dogs and here is something everyone can do about it.

Immediate Cooling: Take your dog to a cooler place, offer some water, and wet its fur only, but not with icy water. Do not use ice packs because they can narrow down the blood vessels.

Seek Veterinary Help: If these signs do not disappear then professional help from a veterinarian should be sought immediately. Heat stroke is a type of heat illness that calls for the attention of a doctor.

In Conclusion, it's great for both the dog and its owner to spend some time outdoors, but one should be extremely cautious about the heat and its effects. Knowing the symptoms of heat stroke/overheating, and applying the above suggestions, you can help your dog stay cool during the Summer months. When it comes to new ideas for keeping the dog cool, or simply taking care of the dog's day-to-day needs, even the simplest things such as selecting the right automatic dog drinking fountain count. Always note that it is just a little extra effort that will make your dog healthy and joyful for the whole summer season.