Managing Pet Hair During the Busy School Season

The busy school season usually comes with various challenges, especially for those who have pets at home. After all, managing all that pet hair is no easy task. But fortunately, there are many things pet owners can do to take care of this, which is precisely the topic of this article.
1. Using a Dust Mop and a Damp Mop
Although a vacuum cleaner can help too, it is not the best way to get rid of pet hair that is all over the floors. Why? Because the exhaust on the vacuum can cause the fur to eventually blow back into the air, after which it may stick to surfaces that will be more difficult to remove from.
Instead, it is better to use a dust mop to efficiently remove the pet hair from the floor. A damp mop works best for removing hair from hardwood floors. But in the case of tile floors, a damp mop would be much better.
2. Changing Air Filters As Often As Possible
Many pet owners may not even notice it, but the truth is that the air in their homes is likely filled with pet hairs. So to prevent all those hairs from floating around, it is important to regularly change the air conditioning system's filters and the furnace.
Additionally, it can be a good idea to clean the air ducts of the home consistently to remove skin cells or hair that may be trapped there.
3. Using Washable Slipcovers
Investing in washable slipcovers can be one of the best things pet owners can do for their recliners and sofas. This will ensure that pet hair stays on the couch rather than on the carpet or the floor. And if they need to be washed, it's easy to zip them off and let the washing machine take care of the rest. This can ensure that all the sofas in the house will stay fur-free and clean.
4. Using Rubber Gloves to Clean Furniture
Removing pet hair from furniture can be quite difficult, but not if one uses rubber gloves for this task. All it takes is for a person to wet the glove, and then rub it over chairs and sofas until the pet hair is sticking to it.

5. Opting for Non-Fabric Seating
Pet owners can make things so much easier for them by purchasing non-fabric seating to minimize hair accumulation. More specifically, leather does not accumulate hair as easily as some other furniture types, which means there will be less pet hair on it. And those that will get on it can be wiped off easily.
6. Using a Robot Vacuum
Modern technology made all kinds of inventions possible, and one of the notable examples is a robot vacuum, which can be a game changer for many pet owners.
There is even a specific robot vacuum that is tailored toward the pet hair, so purchasing this model can be just what pet owners may need to better manage pet hair. Just vacuuming once a week or multiple times a week (depending on one's needs) can be more than enough to get rid of all the pet hair.
And although this model can be expensive compared to some others out there, the investment will be worth it as it will make it much easier to manage pet hair.
7. Dressing the Pet
Another great way to manage pet hair is to dress them up. This will stop hair from escaping and spreading all around the house. However, it is worth mentioning that this works better for smaller breeds.
But the good news is that there are also bodysuits specifically made to curtail shedding for any breed or size. So no matter how small or large the pet is, they can wear the bodysuit, which will ensure the fur won't spread anymore.
8. Regularly Grooming the Pet
One of the easiest ways to avoid pet hair all over one's place is to keep the pet well-groomed regularly. Fortunately, there are many clips and brushes that can help in this process. The use of quality shampoo can also keep the pet clean and healthy while giving them a shiny coat.
But what is especially important is to pay attention to the type of brush or comb one uses for their pet as it should depend on their coat. For example, bristle brushes and wide-toothed combs work best for cats. While slicker brushes are better for long-haired dogs that have dense coats.
As for dogs with medium hair length, pin brushes are the best option for them, while rubber brushes are the best choice for dogs with short-haired coats.
But one can make the grooming process more efficient by having all the tools required for a proper and thorough grooming session. Here is the complete list of them:
- Rubber-bristled brush, steel comb, wire slicker, or/and de-shedding tool
- Styptic pencil (in case of accidental bleeding)
- Soft, reusable cloth squares or/and cotton balls
- Blunt-ended shears that have round tips or/and the small clipper with the guide combs
- Shampoo (specifically for pets) as well as a conditioner (optional, although recommended)
- Microfiber towel
- Hair dryer (also optional but recommended)
Finally, it's just as important to properly cut the pet's hair to prevent it from shedding. And to do this properly, one needs to be very slow, careful, and patient during this process. Here are the steps the pet owner needs to take to do this right:
- First and foremost, the pet needs to be brushed, bathed, and dried properly
- Now it is time to use small clippers or blunt-ended shears and trim the hair that is covering the eyes, and hair between the pet's paw pads
- It is also recommended to perform a light trim while making sure the blades are as far away from the pet's skin as possible
Doing all these can ensure the pet gets the proper fur cut to prevent it from shedding frequently.
Final Thoughts
As can be seen, there are many things pet owners can do to manage pet hair during the busy school season. So all there is left to do now is to implement these tactics and experience a fur-free home environment.